Social Prescribing for Health and Wellbeing

Linking with sources of support within the community

Social Prescribing for Health and Wellbeing


Social prescribing is about supporting health and wellbeing by linking people into local, community-based activities such as exercise, art, reading and gardening.  The Health and Wellbeing Link Worker (Social Prescriber) spends time with the person chatting about what activities are of interest and the benefits of participating in them, and then assists and supports the person to attend these activities.  The programme is for anyone aged over 18 years who feels they need support to mind their mental health and may be feeling isolated, stressed, anxious, lonely or depressed.  Using existing resources within the local community provides many benefits such as meeting other people and taking part in new activities.

This programme has been piloted at Listowel Family Resource Centre with support from the Healthy Kerry programme, Cork Kerry Community Health Care, Kerry LCDC and the Healthy Ireland Fund.  The Healthy Ireland Fund is supported by the Department of Health and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.  

To find out more or to participate in this programme, please contact

Mary Ellen Browne at Listowel Family Resource Centre and/or

Marion Godley at Kerryhead/Ballyheighue Family Resource Centre 


The Healthy Ireland Fund supported by the Department of Health and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs