Healthy Kerry is funded through the Healthy Ireland Fund and is a collaborative project of the Kerry Local Community Development Committee (LCDC). The Healthy Ireland Fund is supported by the Department of Health and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. Healthy Kerry provides a platform for cross-sectoral, interagency work to reduce health inequalities and improve health and wellbeing in Kerry.
Healthy Kerry is supported by the Health and Wellbeing Officer (Healthy Kerry Coordinator) at Kerry County Council, and by the Healthy Kerry Committee, a multi-stakeholder working group of Kerry LCDC.
Member agencies of the working group include;
- Kerry County Council (KCC)
- Kerry Age Friendly Programme
- HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare (HSE)
- Kerry Recreation and Sports Partnership (KRSP)
- Munster Technological University (MTU)
- Kerry Public Participation Network (PPN)
- Local Development Companies (LDCs) representative for South Kerry Development Partnership (SKDP), North East and West Kerry Development (NEWKD) and IRD Duhallow